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August 4, 2010
7:00 PM
1130 Main Street
Holden Senior Center


Members Present: Anthony Costello, Robert Lowell, Michael Scott, Michael Krikonis, and Ken Strom.

Members Absent: Matt Kennedy

Staff Present: Pam Harding, Teresa McIntyre

Others:  Chad Bergeron, JoAnn Teachout

The meeting began at 7:00 PM

NOTICE OF INTENT – 112 Arizona Ave – C. Bergeron, the applicant, presented his proposal to build a 24’ x 24’ garage and expand the driveway, there is an existing crossing over the streambed.  The site of the garage is 34ft from the bordering vegetated wetland.  K. Strom walked the site and agreed with the flagging.  He questioned whether or not there would be further clearing.  C. Bergeron stated that there would be no further clearing.  However, he did request permission to cut down an evasive wild rose bush on the banking on the banking of the streambed. The Commission agreed that it would be permissible to cut the bush, but it was not to be removed. R. Lowell stated that it should be cut level with the ground with the roots intact to protect the integrity of the bank.

The floor was opened to the public for any questions or comments.  Hearing none, K. Strom made a motion to close the hearing.  M. Scott seconded the motion. All were in favor.

K. Strom then made a motion to issue a Standard Order of Conditions with the following special conditions:
  • Permission was given to cut down the wild rosebush on the banking.  Roots must remain intact to prevent disturbance in the streambed.
  • A permanent demarcation (from flag 3B – 5B – on silt fence line) must be placed to prevent encroachment into the wetlands.
M. Scott seconded the motion.  Vote was 5-0, in favor.

Documents presented during hearing:

Site Development Details and Notes – prepared by Matthew D. Smith.
        Plan of Land for Conservation Commission – prepared by B&R Survey, Inc.
        (These documents can be viewed at the Department of Growth Management.)
NOTICE OF INTENT – 2046 Main Street – J. Teachaud, representing the applicant, presented her proposal for replacing a failing septic system within a 100’ buffer zone of a bordering vegetated wetland.  The failed system is located in the front of the property, and the new system is to be located to the rear of the residence.  The proposed septic system is 61ft from the bordering vegetated wetland and 78ft from the brook.  M. Krikonis asked about the large mounds of soil and yard debris/fill on the site.  J. Teachaud agreed to remove the mounds of soil located in the rear of the lot and the yard debris dumped by Flags 2 –3.

The floor was opened to the public.  No questions or comments were offered.

M. Krikonis made a motion to close the hearing. A. Costello seconded the motion. All were in favor.

K. Strom then made a motion to issue a standard Order of Conditions with the following special conditions:
  • A permanent demarcation must be placed to prevent encroachment on the wetlands from the start of the erosion control at the 96 line to SE BVW Flag 2 on the top slope.
  • The pile of loam must be removed from the site
  • Yard debris in the vicinity of wetland flags 1-3 must be removed.
M. Krikonis seconded the motion.  Vote was 5-0, in favor.

Documents presented during hearing:
  • Subsurface Sewage Disposal System Proposed Repair Plan  - prepared by Michael Coleman.
(*This document can be viewed at the Department of Growth Management.)

CERTIFICATE OF COMPLETION – 75 Union Street -  – P. Harding informed the Commission that the applicant requested a COC from an Order of Conditions issued in 1989.  No plans could be located to verify that Order of Conditions was met.  There was a site walk done and no noticeable existing violations were seen.  

With no further discussion, K. Strom made a motion to issue a Certificate of Completion.  M. Krikonis seconded the motion. Vote was 5-0, in favor.

Chapter 61A – Reservoir Street – P. Harding informed the Commission that the owners have requested release from Chapter 61A designation for Assessing Map 183 Parcels 5 and 15.  The Town has a requested a recommendation from the Conservation Commission as to whether it should purchase the property for open space. After a brief discussion, the Commission asked for time to review the request and take it under consideration.  Continued until the next meeting.

APPROVAL OF MINUTES – M. Scott made a motion to accept the meeting Minutes of June 30, 2010.  A. Costello seconded the motion.  Vote was 5-0, in favor.

K. Strom made a motion to adjourn.  M. Krikonis seconded the motion. All were in favor.

The meeting adjourned at 7:50PM.

The next meeting is scheduled September 8, 2010.

The August 4, 2010 Minutes were approved on November 3, 2010.

Teresa T. McIntyre, Recording Secretary